Seaport delays Rotterdam and Antwerp
“under construction”
Regular updates about the delays in the seaports of Rotterdam & Antwerp. Data from several inland- and barge operators.
Following information concerns the creation of delays at deep-sea terminals:
Immediately after a barge operator announces a barge at a terminal, on a chosen date (based on departure or planned departure of a vessel) then this date/time counts as our first possibility (day 1). If the individual terminal decides, for whatever reason, to postpone the handling of a specific barge to a later time or date then we categorise this as extra time delay. If this modified call gets altered again (forwards or backwards) then we will conform to the new appointed time. Therefore the difference between an announced date/time and the actual date/time our barge is handled is what we refer to as delay. We will present the average delay of the past and following week.

Rotterdam terminal | Waiting hours |
DDE | “under construction” |
EMX | “under construction” |
RWG | “under construction” |
APMT | “under construction” |
APMT 2 | “under construction” |

Antwerp terminal | Waiting hours |
1700 | “under construction” |
1742 | “under construction” |
1718 | “under construction” |
913 | “under construction” |
1333 | “under construction” |
869 | “under construction” |
*No rights can be derived from the information shown on this website.